7 Tips for effective remote team management

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The arrival of the pandemic proved that talent is no more restricted to just the in-house teams. This line holds true even in the post-covid-19 world. As the companies started rolling back to their work, the offshore development companies experienced exponential growth. The reason behind it is the existing companies getting introduced & quickly adjusting to working with remote teams.

But that’s not the case with every company out there. For some businesses, remote team management is a daunting task. Moreover, every company has a different way of working, culture, work ethic, and so on. Today, we have come up with 7 excellent tips for effective remote team management. Through proper research, we have found these tips which work for almost every type of company when it comes to managing teams like a pro. Let’s get started.

Ideal Use of Available Tech

In the current technological era, you have access to innumerable tools that makes managing remote teams an effortless task. Before starting the project, ensure your team has access to all the sought-after tools.

The usage of optimal tools helps to promote smooth workflow, and effective management and keeps everyone connected. If in any case, the employees have no idea about how to use certain tools then train them. With fewer barriers, your software outsourcing company can get more work done in less time.

Say NO to Communication Barriers

While working with the hired software outsourcing company, you might come across some communication barriers. The issues like internet glitches, poor call quality, different time zones, etc. But these barriers or issues are completely avoidable. Be mindful of the fact that virtual communication is not always smooth. In that case, ensure you follow both synchronous and asynchronous communication techniques.

For a minute, assume that someone is not available on the other end then at that moment asynchronous communication is the savior. On the other hand, take advantage of synchronous communication during video calls, meetings, phone interactions, etc. It helps to foster excellent communication and avoid confusion among remote team members.

Set Clear Expectations

Your dedicated development team at Websmith Solution is your real asset. This asset always works in your favor when you set out clear expectations and stay transparent. Communicating the project requirements clearly means half of the job is done. Also, when everyone knows what they are supposed to do then there is no room left for guesswork.

Moreover, rather than conveying the changes or requirements at the last minute, prefer to tell beforehand. Always have realistic expectations from your software outsourcing company. Also, remember employees tend to work with confidence & show high-productivity levels when they know their responsibilities.

Keep Everyone Together

While working on effective remote team management, remember the person on the other end is also a human. Always treat them fairly and with respect. Moreover, sometimes the remote team might feel left out or not included in the in-house activities. In such cases, the manager must work on making every team member feel important and keep them together. Keep the remote team in the loop throughout the project’s progress.

Also, don’t forget to keep a tab on the mental health and well-being of the employees. We all know how sophisticated this world has become. Every other person is struggling with mental health issues. To ensure well-being, hire a manager whose job is to ensure every (in-house and remote) team member is mentally and physically doing great.

 Focus on Final Results

In the race to get desired output, some team leaders or managers resort to micromanaging. As per our experience, it’s the worst thing you can do for your remote team. Nobody likes to see the sword hanging on their head or someone pinging them time and again like “Hey, what’s the update?”. Leave them unbothered after assigning the tasks. Always keep in mind that Satisfied Team Members mean a Higher Level of Productivity.

Also, you never know what the other person is doing at the other end. Every one of us juggles between home chores and professional work. In that case, have some trust in your employees as an employer. Refrain from micromanaging and keep your focus on the bigger picture. If at the end of the day, your software outsourcing company is submitting the assigned tasks on time then it’s a good sign. Empower them to work hard and also promote flexibility simultaneously.

Keep the Team Spirits High

Your team is already far from you, so focus on building a strong connection with them. Never let them feel left out or get bored of doing just work work work. Say goodbye to useless killer meetings. Opt for making time for 1:1 conversations to build powerful relationships with team members, resolve their issues and keep them in the loop.

As a leader, spare some time for cheering your team. Celebrate their achievements by conducting virtual events. Send them cards, gift hampers, or a token of appreciation from time to time. This will make them feel special and acknowledged.

Wrap Up

Are you unable to get a hold of your remote team and collaborate well with them? If yes, then hold on. Follow the above steps for effective remote team management. The aforementioned steps are everything we follow at Websmith Solution for managing remote teams. The sooner you understand tidbits, the better the workflow will be. What else can you ask for?
